Maintenance Package: Domestic
Maintenance Package: Domestic
Scope of Work:
● Includes Import Package Services:
Comprehensive support from the Import Package.
● SEO-Optimized Blog Posts (4 per Month):
Create four engaging, locally relevant blog posts monthly to boost SEO, attract targeted traffic, and drive conversions with product-focused content..
● Monthly Performance Report:
Deliver an in-depth report each month that provides actionable insights, including:
○ Sessions by Location: Tailor marketing efforts based on traffic sources.
○ Customer Insights: Refine your target audience with demographic data.
○ Search Performance Analysis: Identify high-search terms with no results for content opportunities.
○ Landing Page Performance: Determine which pages drive traffic and conversions.
○ Search Optimization: Highlight popular terms with no clicks for future content.
○ Product Demand Insights: Align inventory with top searched products.
○ Predicted Customer Spending Tiers: Use spending behavior insights for targeted campaigns.
○ Product Recommendation Effectiveness: Analyze conversion rates and cart performance to enhance the shopping experience.
● Biannual Performance Meeting/Q&A Session:
Conduct a 30-minute consultation every quarter to review website performance, align on future goals, and discuss tailored recommendations for enhancing your online
Maximize Your Website's Potential
The Domestic Package equips you with essential tools to enhance your online presence. With regular updates, SEO-optimized blog content, and in-depth performance reports, you gain valuable insights to drive your strategy. The quarterly meetings foster collaboration, aligning your goals with our services, ensuring you have everything you need to manage and grow your website effectively. This package empowers you to take charge of your online success while maintaining peace of mind regarding security and functionality.
Price is the monthly subscription cost. Upon checkout our website team will reach out to you within 3 business days to begin setup.